Brimmer: Equity and Inclusion

Brimmer understands the important role Equity & Inclusion plays within its day-to-day educational environment, and incorporates open dialogue and programming that fosters this atmosphere. With affinity groups, diversity clubs, conferences, and events, Brimmer lives its goal of being an inclusive and equitable school for its students, faculty, families, and alumni.

Equity requires that we all, each of us, work hard to understand the identities we’re not living and to try our best to learn about those identities, learn about those experiences.
— Jessica Christian – Director of Equity & Inclusion

Copper Hound Pictures sat down with several members of the school to get their personal and professional insights on this important topic. We’re proud to tell their stories through video and to highlight and share the work the entire school does around Equity & Inclusion.

... training is an ongoing process, and it’s not a point in time and you check it off and you’re done. We’ve learned that it’s a lens that constantly changes.
— Judy Guild – Head of School

Turning our studio into a classroom to showcase COVID testing for schools


Stories From The Summer: Backyard & Backwoods Camping