Stories From The Summer: Backyard & Backwoods Camping

Maximizing outdoor activities with family and friends was an important part of this past summer. And nothing maximizes outdoor time more than camping. Luckily Eureka! has the perfect mix of products to have fun whether at home in the backyard or deep in the backwoods.

No matter the location, Eureka! supplies the right equipment to make camping easy and fun. Copper Hound Pictures spent two days this summer capturing content in two distinct camping environments.


Day One: Backyard Camping

Our first production day was focused on the Backyard camping experience. We spent it capturing footage of a family of four enjoying a summer day grilling, playing, and getting ready for a night in a tent just outside their backdoor. This activity was the perfect opportunity to acquaint the younger family members to the joys of camping, and to do so in a familiar, stress-free backyard environment.


Day TWO: backwoods Camping

The second production day was focused on a Backwoods location. This more traditional camping experience was centered around a couple traveling to a trail head and hiking into the woods to set up their camp. We utilized our drone to obtain select shots, and even strapped one of our RED cameras onto the side door of their vehicle to capture the couple’s interaction as they approached their location.

From videoing the pitching of tents, cooking burgers on the Eureka! Sprk Grill, and enjoying a cup of coffee made with the brand’s Coffee Cafe, it was a great diversion from our computer screens and the news cycles of 2020. “You go for the fun of it” is the tagline for the Eureka! brand, and we tried to capture that vibe through video and photo. We truly enjoyed our days on set and the time we spent editing the various videos. And as much as we wish the warm weather and the smell of camp fire were still prominent, we look forward to the stories that will unfold over the coming months.


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