healthcare video and photo capabilities

Copper Hound Pictures has a wide range of video production and photography capabilities in the healthcare sector. Here is a brief overview of some types of projects we have created with our clients - maybe one will spark an idea for you.




Overview Video

This is the highest level of video that we can produce for a healthcare organization. It’s typically a great starting point for clients who are doing a rebrand or launching a new website and what to tell their story.

department-specific Video

Medicine and healthcare are highly specialized, and it’s important to provide an overview of those areas of focus. These types of messaging help the viewer better understand specific topics, approaches, and care options.

non-profit video

Tell the larger story of a company by telling a smaller one. These videos are a profile of one individual who can represent larger themes. These videos pair well with a company culture video or on a careers page of a website.

Patient profile videos

Tell the larger story of a company by telling a smaller one. These videos are a profile of one individual who can represent larger themes. These videos pair well with a company culture video or on a careers page of a website.

Short form documentary

Short form documentaries provide sufficient runway for deeper stories to be told. Unlike shorter, punchier videos, a video that runs 7 or 8 minutes long has to be engaging enough to capture and hold the viewer throughout the duration.

tv commercials

A :30 TV commercial is a standard in video work. At half a minute long, these spots have to communicate important messages, be visually appealing, and ultimately be memorable for their intended audiences.


patient portraits


healthcare photography

executive headshots

If we can help you in any way to move your video or photo project forward, please drop us a line.